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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Internet Law: Net Neutrality?

[Department of Homeland Security. Net Neutrality. Who names these things in the US? First off, they need more creative people to come up with better names. Somethings just look awful when officials of surreptitiously named "departments" get caught peddling porn to children.]

Moving right along, why did this law get struck down? Why wasn't it in the news when the law was stuck down. For being giants, Google and Amazon don't seem to be doing a good job of protecting the interests of neutrality. Why won't they take a bus to the district like Billy Gates does, whenever something he doesn't like is the offing.

Yes, maybe its a good idea to have Nosey Parker FCC in the game, but doesn't that just make the situation just volatile. Is neutrality going to be neutrality that the FCC assumes?

Inconsistency in law, is a bad idea, especially when dealing with equality. Be rational internet giants. Be something, atleast!, if you want to be called giants. Otherwise you might soon be called "oversized, self serving morons", along with the telecommunication companies you failed to stop...


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