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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Oracle - still embracing the old style business model...let's make a little of everything

And they are worried about patents, and intellectual property of Linux. Here is a scary scenario. One of these days, Microsoft will buy a Linux distribution. Then all the big ones would have been bought out, hashed out as proprietary, and then they will go after the guys still using Linux in the Open Source format. This cannot be good news for the Linux world.

I always thought it was bad business to build something for free. I have forced to change my opinion over the years. Now, I think it is bad business to build anything without protecting intellectual property -- you never know whose hands what you create and set free might land on.

Something has to be done, and quick. Otherwise, the work of so many engineers will simply be stolen by the likes of Ellison, and that, is for people to worry if it is good or bad...


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